


·  APO Productivity Databook 2015, Asian Productivity Organization (APO), September 2015. (12.9MB)

· "The Japan-U.S. Price Level Index for Industry Outputs", RIETI Discussion Paper Series, 15-E-059, 34p, May 2015.  (with Kozo Miyagawa)

· "Energy Efficiency Improvement and Technical Changes in Japanese Industries, 1955-2012", RIETI Discussion Paper Series, 15-E-058, 27p, May 2015.  (with Yoko Konishi)

· "A Half Century of Trans-Pacific Competition: Price level indices and productivity gaps for Japanese and U.S. industries, 1955-2012", RIETI Discussion Paper Series, 15-E-054, 36p, May 2015.  (with Dale W. Jorgenson and Jon D. Samuels)

· "2030年の電源構成−過大な省エネは国民負担",日本経済新聞, 経済教室, 2015319.

· "Economic Growth and Productivity Gaps in Asia: For Past Four Decades and the Next Two", presented at the Research Institute of Capital Formation, Development Bank of Japan, January 9, 2015

· "日本の労働投入量の測定−1955–2012年の産業別多層労働データの構築−", KEO Discussion Paper, No. 133, 144p, December 2014.  (白根啓史氏と共著)

·  APO Productivity Databook 2014, Asian Productivity Organization (APO), September 2014. (12.1MB)

· "Industry Origins of the U.S.-Japan Productivity Gap", presented at the 3rd World KLEMS Conference, Tokyo, Japan May 19–20, 2014.  (with Dale W. Jorgenson and Jon D. Samuels)

· "太陽光発電の高い買取価格は競争を阻害するか", RCGW Discussion Paper, No. 49, p.16, April 2014.  (天野友道氏と共著)

· "競争力評価のための日米国際産業連関表の再考−投入構造と価格評価の整合性向上に向けて", 『経済統計研究』, Vol.41, No. 4, 89p, March 2014.  (宮川幸三・岡本佳氏と共著)

· "日本の労働投入における質的変化:1955-2011", RCGW Discussion Paper, No. 48, 89p, December 2013.  (白根啓史氏と共著)

· "Asset Service Lives and Depreciation Rates based on Disposal Data in Japan", presented at Economic Measurement Group Workshop Asia 2013: Data Gaps and Economic Measurement, October 2013.  (with Yutaka Suga)

·  APO Productivity Databook 2013, Asian Productivity Organization (APO), July 2013. (11.4MB)

· "太陽電池の輸入シェア弾性の測定と電力価格上昇によるシミュレーション", KEO Discussion Paper, No. 131, 17p, January 2013.  (吉岡完治・大澤史織氏と共著)

·  "Labor Productivity and Quality Change in Singapore: Achievements in 1974–2011 and Prospects for the Next Two Decades", KEO Discussion Paper, No. 129, 55p, September 2012. (614KB)  (with Tomomichi Amano)

·  APO Productivity Databook 2012, Asian Productivity Organization (APO), July 2012. (11.2MB)

·  "社会資本統計の作成とその課題"月刊『統計』「特集 社会資本を測る」, June 2012.

·  JSNAにおける新しい資本統計と潜在成長力評価における資本投入 内閣府 潜在成長率専門チーム第5回会合, May 18, 2012.

·  2030年における電源構成とCO2制約―多部門一般均衡モデルによる経済評価 経済産業省 総合エネルギー調査会基本問題委員会, 21, May 9, 2012

·  日本の潜在成長力評価におけるエネルギー・環境制約 内閣府 潜在成長率専門チーム第2回会合, March 2, 2012.

·  「省エネ技術普及と資本の使用者コスト」, 平成23年度「脱温暖化と持続的発展社会実現戦略(ALPS)」 第3,4回SDシナリオWG委員会, 地球環境産業技術研究機構(RITE, Nov. 21, 2011.

·  「地球温暖化対策評価への経済学からの接近−モデル、データ、方向性」, (独)科学技術振興機構(JST  研究開発戦略センター(CRDS, 「豊かな持続性社会構築のためのエネルギーモデルワークショップ」, Oct 17, 2011.

·  「復興に向けて求められる情報基盤」, 伊藤滋・奥野正寛・大西隆・花崎正晴編『東日本大震災復興への提言−持続可能な経済社会の構築』東京大学出版会, 20116.

· A Look at Asian Productivity in the Last Decade”, APO NEWS, Vol.42, No.3, May 2011.

·  APO Productivity Databook 2011, Asian Productivity Organization (APO), April 2011. (8.6MB)

· CO2削減目標−影響の検証:規制の国際調和カギに,日本経済新聞, 経済教室, 2010525.

· 「資本の測定に関する最近の動向」, 『日本LCA学会誌』, Vol.6, No.2, 20104.

· 温暖化対策の経済評価−わが国の中期目標における選択肢, 『経済経営研究』, Vol.30, No.3, 20103.(國則守生・英公子氏と共著)

· CO2削減経済ショック−GDP6%マイナスの衝撃,『エコノミスト』, 毎日新聞, 2010328.

·  APO Productivity Databook 2010, Asian Productivity Organization (APO), March 2010. (pdf/3.3MB)

· "Sources of Per Capita Real Income Growth in Asia, 1970-2007", KEO Discussion Paper, No. 120, 32p, February 2009. (with Hideyuki Mizobuchi and Soyoen Myung)

· 「地球温暖化対策の経済評価」, 茅陽一監修『CO2削減はどこまで可能か−温暖化ガス-25%の検証説明: 説明: 説明: 説明: 説明: 説明: 説明: 説明: 説明: 説明: http://www.assoc-amazon.jp/e/ir?t=kojinorg-22&l=ur2&o=9 』(慶應義塾大学産業研究所選書),エネルギーフォーラム, 4, 200912.

· COP15に向けた日本の戦略を考える―中期目標選択肢の評価と日本の戦略―,地球温暖化シンポジウム, 日本エネルギー経済研究所(The Institute of Energy Economics, Japan IEEJ, 2009528. (國則守生氏・英公子氏)(pdf file of power point presentation/166KB)

· 多部門一般均衡モデルによる2020CO2排出削減の経済評価, 中期目標検討委員会(第6回), 2009327. (pdf file of power point presentation/766KB)

·  APO Productivity Databook 2009, Asian Productivity Organization (APO), March 2009. (pdf/4.7MB)

· "On Measuring the Productivity and the Standard of Living in Japan, 1955-2006", KEO Discussion Paper, No. 115, 52p, February 2009. (pdf/556KB)  (with W. Erwin Diewert and Hideyuki Mizobuchi)

· "A Survey of National Accounts in Asia for Cross-country Productivity Comparisons", KEO Discussion Paper, No. 114, 34p, November 2008. (pdf/332KB)  (with Eunice Y. M. Lau and Hideyuki Mizobuchi) Presentation file at the APO-Keio Productivity Special Lecture on January 15th, 2009 (pdf file of power point presentation/479KB)

· "Measurement of Depreciation Rates based on Disposal Asset Data in Japan", 2008 OECD Working Party on National Accounts, Paris, France, October 14-16, 2008. (pdf/497KB) (pdf file of power point presentation/1.1MB) (with Fumio Momose)

· "Japan’s New Survey of Asset Discards from Corporate Accounts", The 2008 World Congress on National Accounts and Economic Performance Measures for Nations, May 12-17, 2008, Washington D.C., U.S. (pdf file of power point presentation/1.4MB)

· 世界で進む経済統計の見直し−「周回遅れ」脱却へ改革急げ,日本経済新聞, 経済教室, 2008331.

·  APO Productivity Databook 2008, Asian Productivity Organization (APO), March 2008. (pdf/4.5MB)

· 多部門一般均衡モデルによる二酸化炭素排出量評価第一約束期間の限界削減費用と2030年展望, KEO Discussion Paper, No.108, p.18, 20077. (pdf/428KB)

· "The Industry Origins of the US-Japan Productivity Gap", Economic System Research, Vol. 19, No.3, 315-342, September 2007. (with Dale Jorgenson) (KEO Discussion Paper, No. 105, Keio University, Tokyo, 39p, February 2007 (Revised in June 2007). (pdf/270KB)

· 「環境保全のコストと政策の在り方」, 清野一治・新保一成編『地球環境保護への制度設計』, 東京大学出版会, 5, 20071. (黒田昌裕氏と共著)

· "Comments on the JIP Database 2006", RIETI-21st Century COE Hi-Stat Program Workshop, July 24-25, 2006, Tokyo Japan. (pdf file of power point presentation/5.4MB)

· 「国民経済計算における土地のストックとサービス−生産要素としての非生産資産」, 『住宅土地経済』, No. 61, pp.18-25, 2006.

· "An Alternative Method to Estimate WiP Inventory for Cultivated Assets", KEO Discussion Paper, No. 101, 32p, March 2006. (pdf/481KB)

· "Duration of Asset Lives: Examination of Directly Observed Discard Data in Japan", KEO Discussion Paper, No. 99, 34p, December 2005. (pdf/2.0MB)

· "On Measuring Japan's Productivity, 1955-2003", University of British Columbia, Department of Economic Discussion Paper Series, No. 05-22, 53p, December 2005. (with Erwin Diewert and Hide Mizobuchi (pdf/600KB)

· "Can IT be Japan's Savior?", Journal of the Japanese and International Economies, Vol. 19, No. 4, 543-567, December 2005. (with Fumio Hayashi) (NBER Working Paper 11749) (pdf/322KB)

· "Measuring Capital in Japan - Challenges and Future Directions", 2005 OECD Working Party on National Accounts, Paris, France, October 11-14, 2005. (with Tadao Futakami) (249KB)

· "The Industry Origins of Japanese Economic Growth", Journal of the Japanese and International Economies, Vol. 19, No. 4, 482-542, December, 2005. (with Dale Jorgenson) (NBER Working Paper 11800) (pdf/732KB)

· "Turn the Tables! Reframing Measurement of Capital in Japanese National Accounts", presented at the ESRI (Economic and Social Research Institution) Conference on Next Steps for the Japanese SNA: "Towards More Accurate Measurement and More Comprehensive Accounts", (内閣府経済社会総合研究所 国際コンファレンス「我が国SNAの次期整備に向けて−より精確な計測方法、より包括的な勘定を目指して−」), Tokyo, March 25, 2005. (KEO Discussion Paper No.97として更新 -> pdf/411KB)・プレゼン資料(pdf-file of powerpoint/286KB)

· "Capitalizing Own-Account Software in Japan", Program on Technology and Economic Policy (PTEP), John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University, p.35, December 2004. (pdf/709KB)

· "Information Technology and the Japanese Growth Recovery", 17th Annual TRIO Conference, Keio University, Tokyo, December 10, 2004. (with Dale Jorgenson) (pdf-file of powerpoint/832KB)

· 『資本の測定−日本経済の資本深化と生産性−』, 慶應義塾大学出版会, p.633, 200411.

· "Can We Go Back to Data? Reconsideration of U.S.-Harmonized Computer Prices in Japan", Program on Technology and Economic Policy (PTEP), John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University, p.43, August 2004. (with Jon D. Samuels) (pdf/916KB)

· "Technological Change and Accumulated Capital: A Dynamic Decomposition of Japan's Growth", in Dietzanbacher E. and Lahr M. (eds.), Wassily Leontief and Input-Output Economics説明: 説明: 説明: 説明: 説明: 説明: 説明: 説明: 説明: 説明: http://www.assoc-amazon.jp/e/ir?t=kojinorg-22&l=ur2&o=9, Cambridge University Press, chapter 15, 256-293, 2004. (with Masahiro Kuroda)

· "Forecasting Baseline CO2 Emissions in Japan", in Chang C. , Mendelsohn R., and Shaw D. (eds.), Global Warming and the Asian Pacific説明: 説明: 説明: 説明: 説明: 説明: 説明: 説明: 説明: 説明: http://www.assoc-amazon.jp/e/ir?t=kojinorg-22&l=ur2&o=9, Edward Elgar, chapter 4, 60-74, October, 2003. (with Masahiro Kuroda)

· "Cost of Reducing CO2 Emissions in Japan", in Chang C. , Mendelsohn R., and Shaw D. (eds.), Global Warming and the Asian Pacific説明: 説明: 説明: 説明: 説明: 説明: 説明: 説明: 説明: 説明: http://www.assoc-amazon.jp/e/ir?t=kojinorg-22&l=ur2&o=9, Edward Elgar, chapter 8, 153-167, October, 2003. (with Masahiro Kuroda)

· "Wage Differentials and Structure in the U.S. and Japan, 1960-2000,Purchasing Power Parities for Labor Input", Research Center on Global Warming (Development Bank of Japan), Discussion Paper, No.28, 29p, Sep.2003. (with Jon D. Samuels) (pdf/576KB)

· "National Report: Japan", Asian Productivity Organization (APO), Total Factor Productivity Report, part II, chapter 5, 168-185, 2004. (with Takanobu Nakjima and Toshiyuki Matsuura) (pdf/1.16MB)

· "Structural Change and Productivity Growth in Japan : 1960-2000", RIETI-KEIO Conference on Japanese Economy - Leading East Asia in the 21st Century? -, Tokyo, Japan, May.2003. (with Masahiro Kuroda, Hiroki Kawai, Kazushige Shimpo, and Koichi Hikita) (pdf-file of powerpoint/772KB)

· 「資本測定の概念」, KEO Discussion Paper, No.80, 42p, 200211.

· 「循環型経済システム構築に向けた産業連関表の計上手法に関する考察」,環太平洋産業連関分析学会『産業連関 イノベーション&I-Oテクニーク』, 104, 51-60, 200210.

· 「鉱物資源の多国間一般均衡モデルと資源政策−銅地金/鉱石の国際寡占市場における分析−」,KEO Discussion Paper, No.74, 49p, 20025.(『主要鉱物資源の供給障害が日本経済に及ぼす影響に関する調査研究』(経済産業研究所/資源・素材学会), II, 33-84, 20023.

· "Technological Change and Capital Accumulation in Japan", KEO Discussion Paper, No.68, p.37, Oct. 2001.(with Masahiro Kuroda)

· 「地球温暖化とエネルギー政策−日本経済の多部門一般均衡モデルによる我が国エネルギー需給見通し−」,『三田学会雑誌』, 94巻第1, 85-104, 20014.(黒田昌裕氏と共著)

· "Economies of Plant-Scale and Structural Change", presented at International Conference on Input-Output Techniques in Macerata, Italy, Aug. 21-25, 2000. (with Iwao Ozaki and Masahiro Kuroda)

· "CO2 Emission from Solar Power Satellite through its Life Cycle: Comparison of Power Generation Systems using Japanese Input-Output Tables", presented at International Conference on Input-Output Techniques in Macerata, Italy, Aug. 21-25, 2000. (with Keiichiro Asakura, Patrick Collins, Hitoshi Hayami, and Kanji Yoshioka)

· "Capital Accumulation and Structural Change in Japan", presented at International Conference on Input-Output Techniques in Macerata, Italy, Aug. 21-25, 2000. (with Masahiro Kuroda)

· 「家計部門の用途別エネルギー消費関数の計測と炭素税賦課による影響」, KEO Discussion Paper, No.57, p.27, 20006.

· 「環太平洋地域における国際産業連関表−多部門一般均衡モデルの構築のためのデータベース−」,KEO Discussion Paper(慶應義塾大学産業研究所未来開拓プロジェクト), No.83, 20002.(黒田昌裕、大津武氏と共著)

· 「環太平洋地域における多部門一般均衡モデルの構築」, KEO Discussion Paper(慶應義塾大学産業研究所未来開拓プロジェクト), No.86, 20002.(黒田昌裕氏と共著)

· "Productivity Comparison and International Competitiveness", Journal of Applied Input-Output Analysis, Vol.5, December 1999.(with Masahiro Kuroda) (pdf/486KB)

· 「日米商品別相対比価の計測−国際産業連関表における価格体系の構築に向けて−」, 『経済統計研究』, 27巻第3, 199912.(宮川幸三氏と共著)

· 「日米生産性比較と国際競争力」,『三田商学研究』, 42巻第5, 41-73, 199912.(黒田昌裕氏と共著)

· 「日米商品別相対比価の計測−日米貿易構造を通じた価格の相互依存のもとで−」, KEO Discussion Paper, No.55, p.43, 199912.(宮川幸三氏と共著)(pdf/327KB)

· "Economic Effects of ITS Deployment in Japan", 6th World Congress on ITS in Toronto, Nov. 8, 1999.

· "Measurement of Total Factor Productivity in Japan :How to Evaluate Impacts of New Technologies on TFP Growth", in Tsu-Tan Fu (eds.), Economic Efficiency and Productivity Growth in the Asia-Pacific Region, Edward Elgar, 1999. (with Masahiro Kuroda)

· "An Explanation of The Productivity Paradox : TFP Spillover through Capital Accumulation ", IMES Discussion Paper Series, No.99-E-10, May 1999.(with Masahiro Kuroda)

· 「技術知識ストック推計における問題点」,機械振興協会経済研究所『技術構造分析に関する調査研究』, 27-45, 19993.

· 「環境政策の一般均衡分析」,『三田商学研究』, 41巻第4, 27-54, 199810.(黒田昌裕氏と共著)

· 「資本サービス価格の計測」,KEO Discussion Paper, No.53, p.56, 199810.

· "Evaluation and Spillover of Total Factor Productivity from the Capital Accumulation ", presented at International Conference on Input-Output Techniques in New York, May 18-22, 1998.(with Masahiro Kuroda)

· 「日本経済の多部門一般均衡モデルの構築と環境保全政策シミュレーション(I)環境保全政策と多部門一般均衡モデルの構築」, KEO Discussion Paper(慶應義塾大学産業研究所未来開拓プロジェクト), No.15, 19987.(黒田昌裕氏と共著)

·  「日本経済の多部門一般均衡モデルの構築と環境保全政策シミュレーション(II)環境保全政策と炭素税賦課シミュレーション」, KEO Discussion Paper(慶應義塾大学産業研究所未来開拓プロジェクト), No.16, 19987.(黒田昌裕氏と共著)

· 「宇宙太陽発電衛星のCO2負荷−若干のシミュレーション−」, KEO Discussion Paper(慶應義塾大学産業研究所未来開拓プロジェクト), No.14, 19983.(吉岡完治、菅幹雄、朝倉啓一郎氏と共著)

· 「我が国における資本ストック推計の諸問題と固定資本ストックマトリックスの時系列推計」,『経済統計研究』, 25巻第4, 19983.

·  「宇宙太陽発電衛星のCO2負荷」, KEO Discussion Paper(慶應義塾大学産業研究所未来開拓プロジェクト), No.2, 19982.(吉岡完治、菅幹雄、朝倉啓一郎氏と共著)

· 「生産性パラドックスへの一つの解釈 Static and Dynamic Unit TFPの提案−」, 日本銀行金融研究所『金融研究』, 164, 21-54, 199712.(黒田昌裕氏と共著)

· 「固定資本ストックマトリックスの時系列推計 −価格資料による償却率推計−」, 環太平洋産業連関分析学会第8回大会(神戸大学), 199711.

· 「我が国における資本蓄積の特性 −固定資本ストックマトリックスの時系列推計−」,環太平洋産業連関分析学会『産業連関 イノベーション&I-Oテクニーク』, 74, 32-40, 19978.

· 「実証経済分析と統計資料」日本統計協会『統計』(全10回)19977月より1998.(黒田昌裕氏と共著)

· "Measurement of Total Factor Productivity: How to Evaluate Impacts of New Technologies on TFP Growth ", presented at the Workshop on Conceptualization, Bank of Japan, July 22, 1997. (with Masahiro Kuroda)

· " Static and Dynamic Unit Total Factor Productivity in the Structural Change ",presented at Taipei International Conference on Efficiency and Productivity Growth in Taiwan, June 20-21, 1997.(with Masahiro Kuroda)

· "Structural Changes in Capital Stock Matrices in Japan", 慶應義塾大学大型プロジェクト「環太平洋における経済と経営」, 19973.(with Masahiro Kuroda)

· 「太陽光発電衛星のCO2負荷 −太陽電池」, 16回宇宙エネルギーシンポジウム(The Sixteenth ISAS Space Energy Symposium), 19972.

· KEOデータベース−産出および資本・労働投入の推計−, 慶應義塾大学産業研究所KEOモノグラフシリーズNo.8, 19972.(黒田昌裕・新保一成・小林伸行氏との共著)

· 「社会資本の生産能力効果について」,慶應義塾大学産業研究所, p.168, 199511.

· "Spillover Effect of TFP Growth and Structural Change : 1960-1990 ", presented at The 11th International Conference on Input-Output Techniques in India, Nov., 1995.(with Masahiro Kuroda and Iwao Ozaki)

· "Reduction of Carbon Dioxide Emission and Its Distributional Impacts", presented at The JDB Symposium on the Environment and Sustainable Development at Hakone, Nov., 1995.(with Masahiro Kuroda, Nobuyuki Kobayashi, Morio Kuninori, Hideaki Tomita, and Hanabusa Kimiko)

· 「屑・副産物発生および投入表の時系列推計−1955-92年−」, mimeo, p.22, 19956.

· 「長期接続産業連関表の推計と分析」, mimeo, p.201, 19954.

· 「社会資本の民間生産活動に与える影響についての考察」, 慶應義塾大学商学研究科修士論文, p.70, 19951.

· 「社会資本形成の推計-固定資本マトリックスの時系列推計において」,『経済統計研究』, 22巻第1, 1-29, 1994.

· "Economic Growth and Structural Change in Japan ; 1960-1985", presented at the Asian Miracle Seminar Workshop (World Bank) in Honolulu, Oct., 1993.(with Masahiro Kuroda and Kanji Yoshioka)
